Tanya Reid BA (Hons), PGCE, BHSAI, UKCC L2
Tanya was a teacher for 25 years and now runs clinics at CXC and is responsible for the administration of the facilities. She has evented up to Intermediate level and still competes locally at BE, BD and BS events. She enjoys teaching and continues to be involved in teaching children through her involvement as a Pony Club instructor and specialises in teaching Grassroots competitors as a Registered BHS instructor. She also has extensive knowledge of the Riding Clubs movement, having been a member of Rother Valley for many years
Will Reid B.Sc.(Eng)
Will took over the farm from his father, Peter Reid, over 30 years ago and has changed the farm operation from being a dairy farm milking 100 Dairy Shorthorns and an intensive beef fattening operation to mainly arable production. In 2007 he introduced 4 Sussex cows to the farm and the Comphurst Herd of Pedigree Sussex Cattle was established.
Will studied Electronic Engineering at the University of Southampton and Agriculture at Shuttleworth College. His extensive knowledge of soil and grasses has meant that he has improved the sub-soil and top-soil over time on the farm, meaning that the XC facility has been prepared in the best possible way for its purpose.
Will is a keen photographer and is responsible for the photography on the website, which he also designed.